Monthly Archives: May 2015

Bristol Bee Fair

Bea Green and the Bee Queen will be read at storytime during the Bristol Bee Fair on Saturday 16th May 2015.

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Go and join in with wildflower planting, open a beehive, seed bomb making, bee hotel building, beehive painting, children’s arts and crafts, tea and cakes. This is a FREE event, to celebrate the bee. Activities for all the family.  Saturday May 16th, 10am – 4pm.


Bea Green for sale in BBKA online shop

I’m very excited as the British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA) have agreed to sell Bea Green and the Bee Queen from their online shop, The Pollen Basket. It should be available in a few days. They have also  offered to review the book too. Click on the image below to visit their shop.